Community 23.08.18

UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park Students Celebrate Top GCSE and Technical Results

At UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park students take GCSEs alongside technical qualifications.

A total of 68 students sat GCSE exams at UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park this year.

The technical qualification pass rate was 100% for Computing, Health Sciences and Sport Science.

In addition, 60% of students achieved a Level 5+ (top C grade equivalent) in English, 34% in Maths and 54% in Science and 76% of students achieved a Level 4+ (low C grade equivalent) in English, 72% in Maths and 88% in Science.

Dr Sarah Clark, Principal of UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, said: “We are delighted with the hard work and achievements of our very first Year 11 students.  These are excellent results.”

Students at UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park complete GCSEs and a technical specialism qualification in one subject specialism: Computing, Health Sciences or Sport Science.

The technical qualifications are equivalent to one or two GCSEs, and involve working on employer-led projects and developing skills related to the subject specialism as well as team working and problem solving skills.

UTCs are government funded technical schools that have been established to provide technical learning opportunities in partnership with employers and universities. They have been set up to match the skills needs of regional employers, supporting economic growth and employment.

Students can join the UTC at the age of 13 in Year 9 or at the age of 16 in Year 12 and the UTC recruits from across Sheffield City Region.

The £10 million facility has a phased recruitment process and capacity for 600 students who learn in cutting edge industry standard facilities.

For more information about UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park visit