This means the Trust is one of only 18 (out of 174 Trusts) to have achieved green in every one of the five domains which the Care Quality Commission use to rate a NHS organisation.
The report highlighted Critical Care, Maternity and Gynaecology, Community Health Services, Outpatients and Diagnostics and Community Dental Services as ‘Outstanding’.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals runs the Royal Hallamshire and Northern General Hospitals as well as Weston Park Cancer Hospital, Charles Clifford Dental Hospital and the Jessop Wing Maternity Hospital. The Trust also provides a wide range of community health services to people across Sheffield.
A team of over 80 inspectors visited the Trust’s hospital and community based services. The CQC spoke to patients, carers, and staff of all levels. They also sought views and perceptions of Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust from external organisations including Healthwatch and local NHS commissioners.
Inspectors said they saw “patients being cared for with kindness, dignity and respect and in many services across acute and community, patients told us they were very happy with their care.”
The other main findings included:
- Effective leadership of the Board and across the organisation. The Trust has a clear vision and corporate strategy, which is known and understood by staff. The Trust’s values are clearly embedded across the organisation.
- Appropriate systems and procedures are in place to keep patients safe, including safeguarding and infection control.
- Systems are in place to ensure that patients received evidence-based care. Monitoring showed the Trust performed well when compared with other hospitals.
- Feedback from patients and relatives was positive about the care they received.
Inspectors found effective systems in place to support the needs of individual patients, including those living with dementia.
The report also recognises that there is a strong safety culture across the Trust with a well-established culture of continuous quality improvement. The Trust’s PROUD values were also understood and owned across the full range of staff groups.
Sir Andrew Cash, Chief Executive at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: “All our staff and volunteers work so hard to do their best for patients and so I am pleased that this has been reflected in the Good rating. I am incredibly proud and privileged to work with such a fantastic team of people. We have over 16,000 people working and volunteering across the Trust and every one of them contributes to providing high quality care, no matter what role they have or at what level.”
More information about some of the areas rated as Outstanding can be found at