Community 08.11.17

Sheffield ready to make significant contribution to UK Life Sciences Industrial Strategy

The Centre for Child Health Technology (CCHT) is being led by Sheffield Children’s Hospital and will see experts from the NHS, private sector and academia developing cutting edge technology for the benefit of children and young people; research and innovation will cover long-term conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, neurodisability and mental health disorders that affect millions of children.

The Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Research and Innovation Centre (ORRIC) is led by Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and will promote similar collaborative research to address some of the most common yet debilitating musculoskeletal injuries and conditions such as those affecting the spine, hips, knees, ankles, shoulders and elbows.

The centres underline the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park’s growing reputation as an international standard cluster of institutions focused on improving health and wellbeing.

They would be close to the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre underpinned by the potential for strong public-private sector partnerships to improve public health services and to reduce NHS costs.

It is estimated that these investments on the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park – designed to deliver improvements in public health as a tangible legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games – will create the equivalent of 3,465 full time jobs by 2027, including 348 professional roles. Up to 1,340 construction-related jobs are envisaged.

It is further predicted that each £1 of public investment will generate around £14.50 towards the economy by 2042.the Centres have the potential to generate a total of £1.7bn in GVA benefits to the economy by 2042

The latest developments follow talks in the last couple of weeks between Richard Caborn, Project Lead of Sheffield OLP, Lord Carter, a non-executive director of NHS Improvement who was a board member of the 2012 Olympic bid.

Mr Caborn has also written to the Secretary of State for BEIS and Health along with the Chancellor of the Exchequer requesting consideration for these two projects to be included in the Governments Industrial Strategy and Life Sciences Industrial Strategy which is to deliver high growth world-leading medical innovation.

Mr Caborn, a former Sheffield MP and Sports Minister, said: “These two Centres are the latest evidence of Sheffield taking a world leading role in tackling a range of health issues and encouraging people to live healthier and more fulfilled lives.

“Not only will they ensure a firm and lasting legacy from the 2012 London Olympics, but together they will make a significant contribution to the objectives outlined in a number of key Government and NHS health and business strategies.”

Both projects will be working closely with the now well-established University of Sheffield’s Medical Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre between Rotherham and Sheffield, Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre and National Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine

Both initiatives are consistent with the Government’s Industrial Strategy, Life sciences Industrial Strategy to encourage investment, new companies and jobs as part of the Northern Powerhouse, while promoting collaboration between the public and private sectors to improve public health and to reduce costs to the NHS.