Community 21.03.23

The Chase star Shaun Wallace surprises students with a classroom quiz

The Chase star Shaun Wallace, who is also a practising barrister, got top marks after briefing lucky students with careers advice and a quiz question and answer session at UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park.

Shaun was in the city promoting an official Guinness World Record bid, which will see him and ex-Spandau Ballet star Martin Kemp co-host The Swizzels World’s Biggest Ever Quiz, at the Utilita Arena Sheffield, on Father’s Day, Sunday 18 June.

They are hoping for more than 5,000 people to join them to set a new world record for the most people to take part in a quiz in a single venue. The current record stands at 4,900 people, set in Delhi, India in 2017.

Shaun said: “I really enjoyed my visit to UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park – the education of our children is so important to me and quizzing really is a fun way to learn and pick up general knowledge.

“I hope to see all the students in June at the World’s Biggest Ever Quiz, and maybe the winners will come from UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park!”

Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park is backing the event to help encourage mental health development alongside physical health and wellbeing.

Richard Caborn, chair of Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, also hopes it will be a catalyst to implementing a unique schools quiz project later this year.

He said: “Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park is delighted to be supporting this unique and innovative official Guinness World Record attempt right here in Sheffield. I hope everyone in Sheffield and Yorkshire as a whole can really get behind it and ensure that we bring that world record back to the UK.

“This event promises to bring families and friends together for a fun, entertaining and educational day out, with the added bonus of potentially becoming an official Guinness World Record title holder too. It was fantastic to see the students at UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park really engaged and enjoying the quiz with Shaun and demonstrate how quizzing can be a really fun way for children to learn.”

Jess Stevenson, Principal, UTC Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park, said: “The session went really well with 100 students taking part in a quiz and a question and answer session.

“Students were able to talk to Shaun about his career in law and about how quizzing helped his education. He was wonderfully warm with the students and took time to talk students in different year groups.”

The Swizzels World’s Biggest Ever Quiz tickets are available now at and